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Class Descriptions

Read all about all the classes I offer &

see which class is a good fit for you or your child.

Littles: 3 years - 5.5 years
child Interacts Alone with Parent Nearby, needing assistance to go to restroom & return. Kiddo may need redirection from parent occasionally. 
Language & Vocabulary with Lots of Movement, Motions, echoing, Play, music, Games, & Crafts incorporated
Reward snacks passed out at end of class
Length: 45 Minutes
Suggested Practice Time outside of class: 5 minutes/day


Little Bit Big: 4.5 years - 8 years
Student Interacts Alone with teacher & other students
Language, conversation & vocabulary Focused
with learning games, Movement, Motions, echoing,
Play, & Crafts frequently incorporated.
Begin practicing writing & reading skills in Spanish.
Length: 45 Minutes
Reward Snacks passed out at end of child’s class
Suggested Practice Time Outside of Class: 10 min/day

Kids: 7 years - 10 years
Student Interacts Alone
Language, conversation & vocabulary Focused with
learning games, movement, music, motions, echoing, and
crafts frequently incorporated.

Students can read and write with Little assistance
Note taking each class
Length: 45 Minutes
Reward Snacks passed out at end of child’s class
Suggested Practice Time outside of class: 15 min/day


Big Kids: 9 years - 15 years
Student Interacts Alone
Language, conversation & vocabulary Focused with
Learning games, movement, music, motions, echoing,
and frequently incorporated. Crafts occasionally incorporated.
Students can read and write without assistance
Note taking each class
Length: 45 Minutes
Reward Snacks passed out at end of child’s class
Suggested Practice Time outside of class: 20 min/day

*The primary goal of Uno Dos Tres Learn Spanish on all levels
is to aid in the ability of non-Spanish speakers to communicate meaningfully in Spanish, therefore conversation, vocabulary,
and enunciation are priorities*

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